
Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration

Bringing it all to the Path, Psychedelic Integration Alchemy - Red Things on Tuesday

Published 19 days ago • 4 min read

Welcome to this Week's Edition of Red Things on Tuesday

Hello, Friend!

If you're new to the Tam Integration mailing list, Red Things on Tuesday is a glimpse into our journey. We're continually growing and exploring, just like you. This collection of books, music, teachings, psychedelic ephemera, and the like that we think is meaningful and have been enjoying. It gets sent out on most Tuesdays. The name is based on something a Vedic astrologer told Daniel (me!) once, making this a sadhana . We appreciate you participating in it.

If you're interested in joining one of our integration circles, visit the website here or our Social Link Tree Here.

Bringing it all to the Path

Most of the coaches I know are eclectic. No two coaches the same way, which is a good thing. I was taught that one of the main things we want from a coach is their perspective. They are valuable because they see things differently than we do. They've had unique, hopefully even unusual, life experiences. Along the way, they've picked up various tools and tricks that get woven into the tapestry of their service. Some become enamored with inner child work, some favor somatics. This gives us a chance to work with the people with whom we resonate. We're all different. Good thing that our healers are as well.

I recently heard Jerry Seinfeld talk about how he writes his comedy. His process is nothing short of alchemy. He spoke to the idea of bringing it all to the path. He complains for a living, he explained. That's his job. So whenever he's out in the world, and something happens that he doesn't like, he's happy! He's got something new to criticize. For him, everything is material. Anything unpleasant gets spun into gold. And his discomfort becomes our laughter. We're all healed, in a way.

Jerry is a dedicated meditator, which makes it all the more interesting. He's undoubtedly familiar with the Buddhist concept of "Turning Poison into Medicine" or Ram Dass's assertion that all of this is "Grist for the Mill" of awakening.

But our moments of learning don't always have to be negative. Our entire life can be educational. We tend to look for meaning when things are rough. And yet, insight can just as easily be gained from a positive experience—"No Ordinary Moments!" as Peaceful Warrior author Dan Millman suggests. When we pay attention, we're nourished by the beauty constantly brushing our cheeks.

According to Ayurveda, the digestive fire (agni) doesn't just break down our food into usable nutrients. It also transforms our experience into insight and, hopefully, even wisdom. This is truly the process of integration. The cycle of action and reflection. We move through our lives, collecting experiences. If we're moving consciously, these moments guide us on our path toward where we want to go and who we want to be. It's a beautiful process. Like a coach or a comedian, these integrated experiences not only enrich our lives, but also the lives of everyone we care about.

This Song Took Me to a Wild Place

It's amazing that music can stop you in your tracks. This song did it for me today. the algorithm knows me so well. I don't know anything about this artist, and don't even know where to look to learn more. But it's good.

כי אתה עמדי
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Thursday, May 2nd, 1 pm Pacific, 4 pm Eastern

We want to invite you to attend an exciting event where you can learn about the world of psychedelic integration coaching. This event is designed for individuals who are passionate about supporting others in their healing and growth and are interested in becoming highly skilled and competent coaches.
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The Jester in the Court of the Psychedelic Kingdom: A Conversation with Dennis Walker of The Mycopreneur Podcast

Thursday, May 9th at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

The role of the court jester has taken on many forms throughout history and across cultures. This archetypal buffoon was tasked with making people laugh at the expense of royalty and the leadership of any given society. We’ll examine the role of the jester and satire in contemporary psychedelic culture and why humor and mockery are an essential ritual in the psychedelic ecosystem.
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Seeding Consciousness: Embracing Nature's Web for Resilience, Connection, and Empowerment with Tricia Eastman

Thursday, June 13th, 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

This is an invocation to the deeper currents of nature's wisdom, illustrating how we can rise from adversity through the transformative power of ancient wisdom and mystical experiences.

The rich, interconnected web of life, “the universal womb” offers us a balanced, nurturing pathway, to be stewards of nature and the psychedelic movement while receiving transformative healing.
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October 2024

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Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration

Daniel Shankin

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Welcome to this Week's Edition of Red Things on Tuesday Hello, Friend! If you're new to the Tam Integration mailing list, Red Things on Tuesday is a glimpse into our journey. We're continually growing and exploring, just like you. This collection of books, music, teachings, psychedelic ephemera, and the like that we think is meaningful and have been enjoying. It gets sent out on most Tuesdays. The name is based on something a Vedic astrologer told Daniel (me!) once, making this a sadhana . We...

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